Read Jessica’s letter and choose the correct form of the verbs in bold.

Hi Amelia,

Well, here we are in Athens, in sunny Greece! The TV weather forecast says it (1) is reaching/is going to reach 40ºC later today, so we’d better go out soon to look round the city before it (2) gets/will get too hot!

We spoke to some friends last night and we (3)’ll meet/’re meeting them at Parthenon. It’s an amazing building, about 2,500 years old, and I’m sure the view from there (4) will/is going to be wonderful, too.

Later on, I think I (5) am going to/will go shopping, and for the evening we’ve arranged something special. We (6) are having/will have diner by the sea, followed by music and dancing!

Tomorrow we (7) will have to/are having to get up early, because we (8) are going/will go to Corinth, along the coast. The train (9) will leave/ leaves at 8.15, so I think we (10) will have/are having plenty of time to go out to the site of Ancient Corinth.

Well, that’s all for now. I (11) am posting/will post this as soon as we go out and I hope it (12) reaches/is going to reach you soon!




Ответ дал: 0967735070
1) is going to reach
2) gets
3)are meeting
5) I will go…
6)weare having
7) will have
8) are going to
9) leaves
10) will have
11) will post
12) reaches
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