“* Choose the correct tense.


| think Josh is going/will go to the market
next Saturday.

| was just seeing/have just seen a
wonderful dress | want to buy!

Let's hurry! The bookshop sale started/starts
at 9 o'clock.

We had been shopping/have been shopping
for hours so we stopped for a coffee.

| believe that in just a few years’ time we
won't have paid/won't be paying for things
in cash anymore.

Where did you go/were you going when |
saw you in the town centre last Saturday?
Why are you always buying/have you
always bought things we don't need?

Oh! We've run out of coffee. | am going to
go/will go and buy some.


Ответ дал: rszhanna1999
| think Josh will go to the market next Saturday.

| have just seen a wonderful dress | want to buy!

Let's hurry! The bookshop sale starts at 9 o'clock.

We had been shopping for hours so we stopped for a coffee.

| believe that in just a few years’ time we won't be paying for things in cash anymore.

Where were you going when | saw you in the town centre last Saturday?

Why are you always buying things we don't need?

Oh! We've run out of coffee. | am going to go and buy some.
Ответ дал: Ait4ik


1) Will

2) Have

3) Starts

4) Have

5) Did you go

6) Have

7) Will

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