48 баллов, Present Progressive Passive or Past Progressive Passive.
1. When I woke up, breakfast already (cook) and coffee (make)
2.How long, do you think, you (spy) on?
3.I'm so angry because my parti (spoil) by Max's rudeness.
4. Where there used to be a desert now dardens (plant).
5. Don't worry, your cat (look) after

gagggan: извините, перепутал вопрос
gagggan: переведи предложения в passive voice
1.Our team is playing their most important match today
2.Now you can find video shops every where in Britain.
3. I have just listened to the local news.
4. He has discovered the new island
5. They have just given me some new information


Ответ дал: 1997atta1997


1.was being cooked,2.is being spied,3.was being spoiled,4.is being planted,5.is being looking

abvgdeeeyx: правильное оформление? How long, do you think, you is being spied on?
Ответ дал: abvgdeeeyx

Ответ: в первом предложение второй глагол making


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