My sister, Anna, wanted ¹. (do) something different, so she decided 2. (buy) a new pet. She looked around the pet shop and chose a stick insect.Stick insects aren't very exciting pets, but Anna is mad about 3 (look after) any type of animal, so she's very happy with it. She called it Ben. Anna has had quite a few unusual pets in the past. I always remember (walk) into the living room one day (see) a huge snake in a cage. The snake's name was Lily and she was orange. In those days, I couldn't 6 (be) close to any type of reptile and so (go) into the living room for about and 5 stand I refused a month. Then I got used to Lily and gradually I started (like) her. These days, Anna has three snakes, two lizards and a tortoise, as well as Ben the stick insect. The other day she said she was thinking of promise 10 (get) a tarantula. I can't (like) a tarantula, but I suppose I'll try.


Ответ дал: Nastyaash1
6 do buy

3.looking after


5.i saw


8.liking get

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