4. Match the browser toolbar button with the function.

1. Back
2. Forward
3. Stop
4. Refresh1 / Reload2
5. Home
6. Search
7. Favourites1 / Bookmarks2
8. Media
9. History
10. Mail
11. Print
a. Shows a list of the websites you have visited recently.
b. Opens the media bar, accessing internet radio, music, video etc.
c. Displays the page you were on before.
d. Shows the latest version of the page.
e. Opens the search panel.
f. Displays the page you were on before using the Back button.
g. Displays the page you have set as your home page.
h. Prints the current page.
i. Stops a page from downloading.
j. Displays the web addresses you have chosen as your favourites.
k. Shows email options.


Ответ дал: Rokki09


1. Back - c

2. Forward - d

3. Stop - i

4. Refresh1 / Reload2 - f  

5. Home - g

6. Search - e

7. Favourites1 / Bookmarks2 - j

8. Media - b

9. History - a

10. Mail - k

11. Print - h

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