M: The man in the photo looks very important, doesn't he? What's his name? A: His name is Toktar Aubakirov and he's Kazakhstan's first cosmonaut. In 1991, he was part of a team on a Soyuz space mission to do research in space. Toktar was also a test pilot for the Kazakh air force. He tested over 50 planes and he was the first person to fly non-stop over the North Pole. Today, he is retired, but he helps train young people at workshops and conferences and gives advice M: That is Roza Baglanova the famous singer, isn't it? A: Yes, it is. She was born in Kazalinsk in 1922 and became one of the most famous singers in Kazakhstan She sang in operas and performed popular songs She was only 19 years old when she started singing as a soloist with the song and Dance Ensemble of the Uzbek Philharmonic Orchestra. During her career, she also worked for the Kazakh State Academic Opera and Ballet, and the Kazakh State Philharmonic Society. She toured the world singing and she liked to perform in the language of the country she was in. She died in 2011 at the age of 89. M: Abilkhan Kasteev's paintings are beautiful, aren't they? A: Yes, I really like them. He painted over 2,000 paintings, but his first job was a farm worker. Then he worked on the railway. He started studying art when he was 24. He was a great artist because he painted in oils and watercolours, and he was good at painting different types of pictures. Some of his pictures are of people and some are of the countryside. His paintings of the steppe are fantastic He died in 1973. The art museum in Almaty is now the Kasteyev State Museum of Arts
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