Helen's work at the Central Post Office was not very interesting, but she (have) to give her full attention to the address which (write) on each letter. She (know) that if she (put) the letter in the wrong box, it never (reach) the right person. But now Helen (hold) one strange letter in her hands. She (see) it (address) to her, but she couldn't understand who (write) it, as the handwriting was illegible. "I never before (see) such a mess of writing!"


Ответ дал: LilRiya

короче слова изменены и поставлены по порядку типо 1-ое have изменено на has, продолжение анологично моему объяснение, надеюсь понятно

  1. she has to...
  2. which was written on each...
  3. she knows that...
  4. if she puts the...
  5. never reaches the...
  6. helen is holding one strange...
  7. she saw it was adressed to her,..
  8. who has written it...
  9. before saw such

постаралася прошу отметить мой ответ как "лучший"

заранее спасибо ^-^

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