1) Do you usually help other people? 2) What do you usually do to help other people? 3) Who is the kindest person you know? What are some of his/her acts of kindness? 4) Have you ever been inspired by someone's act of kindness? 5) Do you agree that helping others is the act of heroism?

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Ответ дал: muhabbatabdumalikova


1) Yes, I often help other people

2) I am often help people to lift their heavy things.

3) My mother and my grandfather the kindest person I know.

4) Yes, I was inspired by people who helped others

5) Yes, I agree that helping others is a feat and also shows that he is a good person at heart.

Аноним: это верно??
ALIHANTEMIRHAN31: это правильно?
muhabbatabdumalikova: думаю, да
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