A) Choose the correct option.
1 What do you do when you're not / you don't
2 Are you OK? You look / look like a bit confused. 3 Sorry, I can't speak to you now, i do / I'm doing
4 Why don't you come round on Friday? We have / are
having a barbecue for my birthday.
5 We couldn't get back into the house because lieft/
hod left my key inside.
6 Is Hasan OK? He sounded i sounded like he was
getting a cold.
7 It was stupid. I was trying / hod tried to carry too
many things and in the end i dropped everything.
8 I asked them to turn their music down because I wos
studying / studied.
9 He sald he can't come on Friday because he has / is
having too much work.
10 We met / were meeting some clients when we
heard I was hearing the news

B) Make two questions from each group of words (1-6).
1 Where / What/ does / are / that / you / based /
2 Have / Are / you / you / working / been / here before / at the moment
3 Where / When / does / was / she / she / live / born
4 Did/ Has / you / she / go out/seen / it/last night
5 What / How / kind of music / often / do / are / you /
you /into / do that
6 How many / How long / have / brothers and sisters /
do / you / you / been / have / doing that


Ответ дал: Shaherezada55
1 you are not
2you look
3i am doing
4 are having
6 i sounded
7 i was trying
8i was studying
9he has
10were meeting

1 Where are you based ?
What does that based ?

2 have you been working here before ?
Are you working at the moment?

3where does she live ?
When was she born ?

4 did you go out last night?
Has she seen it last night?

5 what kind of music are you into ?
How often do you do that ?

6 how many brothers and sister do you have ?
How long have you been doing that ?
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