Выбери правильный ответ:
1) Diana ........... at a newspaper now
a)is looking b) look c) is look
2) Larry ...... from England.
a)is b)be c)are
3) Henry ...... his homework yet.
a)done b)not done c)hasn`t done
4) They ................ a beautiful picture at the moment.
a)are drawing b)is drawn c)draw


Ответ дал: Аноним

1) Diana is looking at a newspaper now. (A)

2) Larry is from England. (A)

3) Henry hasn't done his homework yet. (C)

4) They are drawing a beautiful picture at the moment. (A)

Ответ дал: FedоrM

1) Diana a) is looking at a newspaper now (present continuous)

2) Larry a) is from England.  (present simple)

3) Henry c) has not done his homework yet. (present perfect)

4) They a) are drawing a beautiful picture at the moment. (present continuous)

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