Match each phrase (1-11) to its synonymous meaning (a-k).

1) We don't get on/along

2) He gets on my nerves

3) I always turn to her

a) I find him irritating

b) She helps me emotionally

c) We had an argument, but now we are friends again

4) My mother is a shoulder to cry d) I can always ask her for help

on for me

5) I can count/rely on him 6) My friends encourage me

7) I love my sister to bits

e) We don't have a friendly relationship

f) We have had an argument g) We had some problems in the past

h) She can't stand him

8) We had our ups and downs. i) I love her very much j) They inspire me with courage, spirit, or hope

9) We have fallen out

10) We have made up

11) She hates his guts now


Ответ дал: Gelalend
1. e
2. h
3. d
4. b
5. k
6. i
7. j
8. g
9. f
10. c
11. a
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