помогите номер 1;3;4;5​



Ответ дал: Соммон


2. Is your brother using his computer?

3. Is she wearing jeans and T-shirt?

4. Are they sightseeing in the city?

5. Is it raining?

6. Are we going home now?


2. What are you wearing?

3. Who is your sister talking to?

4. What is your friend doing?

5. What are your parents doing?

6. Where are you sitting?


2. How is she traveling? - F.

3. Are they sighting in the city? - D.

4. What is the dog doing? - E.

5. Is your sister wearing new clothes? - B.

6. Who are you writing to? - C.


2. is reading

3. are taking

4. is ... doing

5. are ... wearing

6. are ... sitting

7. are listening to

8. is making

9. is snowing

10. are skiing

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