Task 1. Choose the correct variant: 1. The ice ____________ in the sun. a) melt b) melts c) melting d) melted 2. The train _________ at 19.35 this evening. a) don’t leave b) doesn’t leave c) doen’t leaves d) didn’t leave 3. _____ Mike’s parents _________ all over the world every year? a) Do ….. travel b) Does……travel c) Does……travels d) Did …… travel 4. Mark ________a new doll for his daughter on her birthday last month. a) buy b) buys c) buyed d) bought 5. Tina _______ this comedy with popcorn last weekend. a) don’t watch b) doesn’t watch c) didn’t watch d) didn’t watched 6. _____ Robert ________over the telephone to his friend yesterday evening? a) Do …… speak b) Does ….. speak c) Did….. speak d) Did ……spoken​


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