Task 4. Complete the sentences using the past simple, present simple, present continuous form of the words in the box. 1. Every child _____ (like) an ice-cream. 2. It _____ (snow) a lot in winter in Russia. 3. They ______ (buy) 2 tickets for the concert last week. 4. ______ (they/lose) the match? 5. Children ______ (study) their lessons now. 6. The man _____ (talk) on the phone. ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СРОЧНО​

amirdosymbekov: ПОЖАЛУЙСТА БЫСТРЕЕ


Ответ дал: Satullaeff


1) likes

2) snows

3) bought

4) Do they lose the match? ← точно не уверен по-моему так будет.

5) are studying

6) is talking


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