Помогите, пожалуйста, ДАМ 35 БАЛЛОВ!!!

I can't stand (to work/working) in an office.
We decided (to arrive/arriving) by half past seven.
It was a wonderful holiday. I will always remember (to see/seeing) Niagara Falls.
Help me … (to write/writing) a report till the end of the mont
I want (to leave/leaving) school at the age of 16..
I don't want to drive a car; I'm afraid of (to have/having) an accident.
She plans (to invite/inviting) her best friend to the part
On the way home he stopped (to buy/buying) some chocolate.
The baby didn't stop (to cry/crying) all night.
She avoids (to answer/answering) the phone.
I'm really looking forward to (to start/starting) my new course.
They enjoyed (to be/being) on holiday by the sea.
I don't mind (to drive/driving) to the restaurant.
I don't like (to work/working). What about (to go/going) to a disco instead?
It`s dangerous (to walk/ walking) through this forest.


Ответ дал: sonyaqqws
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