Ex.6. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect to make up questions. Complete the answers providing additional information.
1. You ever (eat) at Maxim’s restaurant? – Yes, I _______. → Have you ever eaten at Maxim’s restaurant? – Yes, I have. They have a wonderful cook there!
2. Your sister (pass) the entrance exams? – Yes, she ________ .
3. You (hear) from Nellie lately? – No, I _________.
4. You (see) my gloves anywhere? – No, I’m afraid I ________ .
5. He (find) his watch? - Yes, he _________ .
6. You (pay) the electricity bill yet? – No, I _________.
7. How long you (know) Derek? – I ____________ him for about five years.
8. You (spend) all your money? – No, I ___________ only half of it.
9. And what about Betty? - You wouldn’t believe! She _______ (spend) everything, to a penny.
10.You _______ (see) Charles lately? – No, I ________ him since Christmas.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


2. Has your sister passed the entrance exams? – Yes, she has . She passed them last week.

3. Have you heard from Nellie lately? – No, I haven't.  Last Sunday I called her but she didn't answer.

4. Have you seen my gloves anywhere? – No, I’m afraid I haven't . Probably, you left them in the bus yesterday.

5. Has he found his watch? - Yes, he has . His watch was in his pocket)

6. Have you paid the electricity bill yet? – No, I haven't.  I haven't received it yet.

7. How long have you known Derek? – I have known him for about five years.

8. Have you spent all your money? – No, I have spent only half of it.

9. And what about Betty? - You wouldn’t believe! She has spent everything, to a penny.

10.Have you seen Charles lately? – No, I haven't seen him since Christmas


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