1. Complete the sentences with a verb. a. Why don’t you … sorry? b. Don’t … risks! c. Why don’t you … a photo? d. Sam will … responsibility for the party. e. Who will … care of our grandmother? f. We need to … a decision.

2. Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous. a. We (meet) our parents at the airport on Friday. b. What (do) you at 5 p.m.? I (sleep) c. Bernard and Jessica (go) to Australia last year.d. I (go) to the theater when I (meet) my college Boris. e. Many years ago my father (have) a great collection of coins. f. Last year from December till February we (live) in Brazil. g. While I (sleep), a thief (come) to our house. h. Last Sunday you (play) chess with my uncle Tommy

3. Use Present Perfect. a. I’m very sorry. I think I … (make) a mistake. b. She …(not read) all the bestsellers. c. He … (see) the new fantasy film. d. They … (not be) in America yet. e. Our teacher … (give) us a lot of homework. f. He … (meet) already several famous people.

4. Rewrite the text, use the capital letters, stops (точки), commas (запятые): a boy was rescued by a walker when he fell into a river he was playing with a friend when he fell in his mother susan smith told reporters that he is resting at home in oxford

5. Recommend to read a book or to watch a film that you have recently read or watched. Write down 7 sentences. Don’t forget to use different adjectives (прилагательные).


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. Complete the sentences with a verb.

a. Why don’t you say sorry? b. Don’t take risks! c. Why don’t you take a photo? d. Sam will take responsibility for the party. e. Who will take care of our grandmother? f. We need to make a decision.

2. Complete the sentences using Past Simple or Past Continuous.

a. We met our parents at the airport on Friday. b. What were you doing at 5 p.m.? I was sleeping c. Bernard and Jessica went to Australia last year. d. I was going to the theater when I met my colleague Boris. e. Many years ago my father had a great collection of coins. f. Last year from December till February we were living in Brazil. g. While I was sleeping, a thief came to our house. h. Last Sunday you played chess with my uncle Tommy.

3. Use Present Perfect.

a. I’m very sorry. I think I have made a mistake. b. She hasn't read all the bestsellers. c. He has seen the new fantasy film. d. They haven't been to America yet. e. Our teacher has given us a lot of homework. f. He has already met several famous people.

4. Rewrite the text, use the capital letters, stops (точки), commas (запятые): A boy was rescued by a walker when he fell into a river. He was playing with a friend when he fell in. His mother Susan Smith told reporters that he is resting at home in Oxford.

*Запятые тут не нужны. Запятая ставится, только если придаточное времени или условия стоит ПЕРЕД главным предложением.

5. Recommend to read a book or to watch a film that you have recently read or watched. Write down 7 sentences. Don’t forget to use different adjectives

If you want to relax and watch something light and funny, I recommend you to watch a great science fiction/action comedy called "Free Guy". I saw it in the cinema a few weeks ago. It was a truly amazing experience. The film is about a bank teller (this role is played by Ryan Reynolds) who discovers he is one of the players in a video game. The plot is sometimes predictable, but it doesn't spoil the general impression. I like Ryan Reynolds' acting. I think the only drawback of the film is too much violence, but it seems appropriate for this type of films.

Аноним: Доброго времени суток. Могли бы глянуть моё задание в профиле ?
sergei90: здравствуйте , у меня тоже можете посмотреть , в лс написал вам
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