1) Переведи на русский язык. Запиши перевод в тетрадь.

A baker, a greengrocer, a waiter, a nurse, a post office, a hospital.

2) Составь предложения по образцу: A waiter serves people.
A clown / make children laugh
A postman / take letters to people`s houses
A nurse / help sick people
A writer / write books

3) Вставьте слова в скобочках в предложение в правильное место
Do you go to the theatre? (often)
They clean the room once a week. (usually)
Ann has the piano lesson on Tuesday. (sometimes)

4) Запиши, что он должен и не должен делать.
Nick ________ wash the dishes. (+)
Nick ________ feed his cat. (+)
Nick ________ play computer games. (-)

5) Найди пары. Запиши буквенный код. Например: 1 с) и т.д.
1) 7.00
a) It`s half past seven.
2) 7.15
b) It`s a quarter to eight.
3) 7.30
c) It`s seven o`clock.
4) 7.45
d) It`s a quarter past seven.

6) ) Найди пары. Запиши буквенный код.
1) Where does she work?
a) Black
2) How often do you swim?
b) At a cafe
3) Does he sell fruit?
c) Twice a week
4) When do you have lunch?
d) Yes, he does.
5) What colour is your dog?
e) at 11 o`clock


Ответ дал: malaevaanastasiaa

1. пекарь, продавец овощей/фруктов, официант, медсестра, почта, больница.

2. A clown makes children laugh

A postman takes letters to people`s houses

A nurse helps sick people

A writer writes books

3. Do you often go to the theatre?

They usually clean the room once a week.

Ann sometimes has the piano lesson on Tuesday.

4. Nick should wash the dishes.

Nick should feed his cat.

Nick shouldn't play computer games.

5. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b

6. 1b, 2c, 3d, 4e, 5a

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