Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

It's 11 pm and I 1)……this in bed!
I 2)…….. a wonderful birthday
This morning, Mum and I 3)…… shopping.
She 4)……. me a super new handbag.
In the afternoon, I went to the
amusement park with Dad and my sister
Betty. Betty 5)…….. scared on some of
the rides but I 6)……. they were fun.
I usually 7)…….a party on my
birthday, but most of my friends
8)....... away at the moment. So, Dad 9)………. us all out for a Chinese meal.
My best friend Amelia 10)…….. too.
She 11)…..... Chinese food so she
ordered a steak! I had a fabulous day!

1.A)write. B)’m writing. C)wrote

2. A) ‘ve just had. B) did just have
C) just has. D) have just

3.A) go. B)going C)went. D)goes

4.A)got. B)get C) has got D) is getting

5. A) is being. B)was C)were D)has been

6.A)have thought B)am thinking C)thinks D)thought

7. A)have. B)are having. C)has had
D)am going to have

8. A) is. B) are. C)was. D)were

9.A)takes. B)is going to take. C)took. D)has taken

10.A) come. B)have come. C)are coming. D)came

11.A) isn't liking B)like C)doesn't like. D)has liked

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Ответ дал: kukuruza87
1) B
2) A
3) C
4) A
5) B
6) D
7) A
8) D
9) C
10) D
11) C
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