They will build / will be built a new stadium here in 2025. 2. Do you interest / Are you interested in sports? 3. The meeting cancels / is cancelled till next Monday. 4. I ate / was eaten a piece of cake. 5. This film makes / is made in Hollywood. 6. His hair cut / was cut by a professional three days ago. 7. Somebody stole / was stolen his camera from the hotel. 8. His camera stole / was stolen from the hotel. 9. His glasses left / were left in the room. 10. Portuguese speak / is spoken in Brazil. 11. The project hasn’t started / hasn’t been started yet. 12. London visited / is visited by millions of tourists every year.

Нужно выбрать правильный ответ​


Ответ дал: hdjssjnsjs
1. They will build
2. are you interested
3. Is cancelled
4. I ate
5. Is made
6. Was cut
7. Stole
8. Stole
9. Left (не точно )
10. Speak
11. Hasn’t been started
12. Visited
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