Transform the words in brackets so that they grammatically corresponded to the contents of the sentences.

1. This is the . . . . . concert I‘ve ever been to. (good)
2. My sister’s husband is not a very…...person. (rely)
3. Mary is very…...and wants to do well. (ambition)
4. Show us more ……. . (enthuse)
5. Your problem is that you have not enough……in yourself. (confide)
6. You are really very……, even rude sometimes. (polite)
7. We haven’t been to the supermarket…… . (recent)
8. Mary…… They never seen her again. (appear)


Ответ дал: azumidellone229

1. the best

2. reliable

3. ambitious

4. enthusiasm

5. confidence

6. impolite

7. recently

8. has appeared

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