Alarm clock, asleep. bedtime, fall asleep, get up, go to bed, insomnia, morning person, nightmares, night owl, oversleep, sleep-in, take a nap, wake up, yawn 1. I love to stay up very late and watch TV or surf the Net. All my friends call me a .... 2. When I worry too much about my school grades, I have ... I can't sleep very well. 3. My ... is really very loud. It wakes me up, and it also wakes my neighbors up! 4. I often sleep late, or ... , on weekends. 5. Watching scary movies gives me ... 6. Yes, he is ... . I can hear him snoring. 7. My classmate is a ... . He loves to get up at 6:00 every morning and exercise be- fore class. 8. In many countries, it's common to sleep for a short time in the afternoon. Do you ever ... ? 9. When I feel sleepy, I open my mouth very wide and I ... 10. I always go to bed at 10:30 p.m., but our son is only four years old, so his ... is at 8:30. 11. I have to get up at 7:00 tomorrow morning. I hope I don't ... and get up at 7:30. 12. Getting enough sleep is very important. I usually go to bed at 10 p.m. and I ... at 6 a.m. 13. I wake up at 6 a.m., but I don't ... right away. I like to stay in bed for five or ten minutes. 14. It's 11 pm. It's time to .... It's bedtime. 15. After I go to bed, I like to read a book for a while before I ....


Ответ дал: azumidellone229

1. night owl

2. insomnia

3. alarm clock

4. sleep-in

5. nightmares

6. asleep

7. morning person

8. take a nap

9. yawn

10. bedtime

11. oversleep

12. wake up

13. get up

14. go to bed

15. fall asleep

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