. Choose between so, such, too, and enough so that the text makes sense. A) I’ll never forget my first day at work. It was 1) _____ a disaster that I lost my job! The boss explained what I had to do, but she did it 2) _____ quickly that I didn’t understand. I wasn’t brave 3) _____ to ask her to repeat it, so I pretended I knew what to do. It wasn’t difficult at first – just putting numbers into a computer. Soon, though, I was 4) _____ busy that I started to make more and more mistakes. I made 5) _____ a lot of mistakes that the other workers noticed. They tried to help me, but it was 6) _____ late. In the end, I just had 7) _____ much to do that I gave up. I sat there and stared at my computer for two hours! The boss came back and she was 8) _____ shocked that she fired me immediately! My first day was also my last! B) The gym I go to – “Frank’s Fitness Centre” – is 1) _____ a nice place and Frank and his wife are 2) _____ kind-hearted people. In fact, the whole staff at the centre are 3) _____ friendly. And that’s the problem. The gym is 4) _____ good that everyone wants to go there, but there just isn’t 5) _____ room for everyone. I don’t think Frank thought carefully 6) _____ about how successful the gym was going to be. Last year was fine, but this year there are 7) _____ many members to fit in 8) _____ a small gym. You have to wait 9) _____ a long time to be able to use the equipment. A twenty-minute wait to use the press bench is just 10) _____ long for me! I don’t have 11) _____ time to stand around and wait. So, I’m going to leave Frank’s and go to another gym. It’s 12) _____ a shame, but if I find a gym that nobody else likes, I’ll be able to use the equipment whenever I want!


Ответ дал: polyyanguyen

1. such

2. so

3. enough

4. so

5. such

6. too

7. so

8. so


1. such

2. such

3. so

4. so


6. enough

7. too

8. such

9. such

10. too

11. enough

12. such

вроде все правильно

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