• Speaking Task 4. Card 3. Make a two-minute monologue on topic "Communication and Technology". The following questions will help you organize your speech: What social networking sites do you know? пжпжпжпжпжпжпжп What are the most popular social networking sites in your country? Why do people use social networking site? What social networking site do you use пжппжпжпжпжпжпжпжпжпжппжжп



Ответ дал: Ятутбосс


I know vkontakte telegram and facebook, in my country most popular social network is probably vkontakte because here you can find friends or find some group or people who likes the same thing as you, and a lot other things as a cool pictures or even dollar price, i only use vkontakte because all my friends use it too, i would like to use telegram but no one will leave vkontakte


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