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Rick didn’t woke up on the next day. He sleeped all week. When he woke up there wеre no one around. He came out of his room and go outside. The street looked empty. ‘What happened?’ He asked himself. ‘Where did everyone went ?’ Then he noticed someone around the corner. A woman lied on the ground. She not looked alive. But then she moved.​


Ответ дал: brainout0



Rick didn't WAKE up on the next day. He SLEPT all week. When he woke up there WAS no one around. He came out of his room and WENT outside. The street looked empty. ' What happened?' He asked himself. 'Where did everyone GO?' Then he noticed someone around the corner. A woman lied on the ground. She DIDN'T LOOK alive. But then she moved.

kuznecovapolina307: спасибо большое
brainout0: ;)
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