Поставьте следующие предложения в множественное число.
1 вариант
1. What is that child's name?
2. There was a lady, a gentleman, a boy and a girl in the room.
3. Is the worker an Englishman or a German? - He is a Frenchman.
4. The strawberry is still green.
5. Does the boy see a bird in the tree?
6. The child studies very well.
7. There is a new house in our street.
8. The wolf was shot.
9. Put the knife on that table.
10. His dog does not like bread.
11. The house has a balcony looking out on the street.
12. The boy hears the sounds of a child's voice.


Ответ дал: ulia72608


what are that children's names

there were ladies,gentlemen,boys and girls in tha room

Are workers Englishmen or German.They are Frenchmen

Strawberries are still green

Do boys see birds on tha trees

Children study very well

There are new houses in our street

Wolfes were shot

put knives on thar table

Their dogs do not like bread

Houses have balconies looking out on the street

Boys hear the sounds of children's voice

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