Read the text. Complete each gap by using a word from the box in the correct form. Correct grammar and spelling is required. There is one extra word.

we one drive bad slow heavy

From: Charles
To: Pierre
Subject: Stranded!

Dear Pierre,
What a night! My parents and I 1)_______ on the motorway last night when it started snowing. At 2)_______ it was snowing gently but in no time it began to snow 3)_______ . We couldn’t see so we pulled 4)_______ car over to the side of the road. My dad’s mobile wasn’t working. We waited six hours for help to finally come. It was the 5)________ snowstorm to hit the area in years. I’m so relieved to be back in our warm house again!
Talk to you soon,



Ответ дал: 1997atta1997



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