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Make up interrogative and negative sentences:
1.The head chef has to taste the dishes many times.
2.The receptionist has to give orientations.
3.The bellboys have to carry luggage.


Ответ дал: politerhon


1. Does the Head-Chef have to taste the dishes many times ?

The head chef doesn't have to taste the dishes many times.

2. Does the receptionist have to give orientations ?

The receptionist doesn't have to give orientations.

3. Does the bellboys have to carry luggage ?

The bellboys don't have to carry luggage.


MaryFairy211: в третьем ошибка
MaryFairy211: там ведь подлежащее во множ. числе
politerhon: в don't ?
MaryFairy211: да. нужно использовать do. И в вопросе тоже
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