read and comp complete the sentences with the past tense of the verbs прочтите и завершите предложения с прошедшим временем глаголов In summer I (1)________(go) to the mountain camp.I (2)_______(have) a lot of fun.I (3)________(swim) in the swimming pool.I (4)________(play) basketball and tennis with my friends.I (5)_______(visit) the disco club.It (6)_______(be) great.I (7)_______(take) a lot of photos.I (8)______(have) a great time in the camp.Пж помогите срочнооооооооо​


Ответ дал: nopeugh



In summer I (1)went to the mountain camp.I (2)had a lot of fun.I (3)swam in the swimming pool.I (4)played basketball and tennis with my friends.I (5)visited the disco club.It (6)was great.I (7)took a lot of photos.I (8)had a great time in the camp.

lacoste087: молодец спасибо
lacoste087: огромное
nopeugh: да не за что:D
lacoste087: ты молодец
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