I Task.

Use Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future Simple:

1. We...(have) a party next Saturday. Would you like to come?

2. The concert... this evening...(start) at 7:30.

3. What time....(the next train /leave)?

4. I feel a bit hungry. I think I... (have) something to eat.

5. Do you promise? Yes, I... (call) you !

6. I...(meet) you in the park every evening.

7. I...(meet) you at the station tomorrow morning.

8. What time...the film (begin) tomorrow?

9.I am sure you ...(not like) his story.


Ответ дал: alinamanziuk


1.we will...


3.is the next training

4.l am having

5.l will

6.l meeted

7.l will

8.will begin


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