put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Past Simple Tense. 1) Peter always... (to drive) to the office but I... (not to see) his car at the parking yesterday.- Something... (to be) wrong with his car yesterday and Peter ... (to get) to the office by metro. 2)... you always... (to have) lunch so late? -No, we usually ... (to have) lunch at one o'clock, but I... (to be) very busy yesterday and... (to have) lunch only at three o'clock. 3) Why ... Frank .... (not to phone) me yesterday? - Well, he... (to go) to the village to visit his grandparents and ... (to leave) his mobile phone at home. He sometimes... (to forget) to take his mobile phone and I can't get in touch with him. 4) Who usually ... (to help) your mother with the house chores? - Well, we all ... (to help) her. My sister usually ... (to do) the washing-up and ... (to go) shopping and I... (to tidy) my room. Last week our parents ... (to go) on a tour and we ... (to do) all the house chores ourselves. 5)... you... (to listen) to news an hour ago, Tony? - No, I.... Why? Some men ... (to rob) a bank in the morning and ... (to kill) a security guard. 6) What magazine ... Pam... (to buy) yesterday? - She... (to buy) Fashion. She always ... (to buy) it to keep up with the latest fashionable trends. 7) Who ... you ...(to bring) this funny clown for from your last trip? -Oh, I... (to bring) it for my niece. She ... (to collect) dolls and I always ​

stadniknadia99: а сделать то че надо ?


Ответ дал: Lifesaver2001


1) Peter always drives to the office but I ddidnt see his car at the parking yesterday.- Something was  wrong with his car yesterday and Peter got to the office by metro. 2) Do you always have lunch so late? -No, we usually have lunch at one o'clock, but I was very busy yesterday and had lunch only at three o'clock. 3) Why didn't Frank phone me yesterday? - Well, he went to the village to visit his grandparents and left his mobile phone at home. He sometimes forgets to take his mobile phone and I can't get in touch with him. 4) Who does usually help your mother with the house chores? - Well, we all help her. My sister usually does the washing-up and goes shopping and I tidy  my room. Last week our parents went on a tour and we did all the house chores ourselves. 5)Did you listen to news an hour ago, Tony? - No, I did not.Why? Some men robbed a bank in the morning and killed a security guard. 6) What magazine did Pam buy yesterday? - She bought Fashion. She always buys it to keep up with the latest fashionable trends. 7) Who did you bring this funny clown for from your last trip? -Oh, I brought it for my niece. She collects dolls and I always ​


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