Complete the exchanges (1-4) by circling the correct responses (A, B or C).

1 X: Have you met Greg?
Y: .....
A Yes, I'd love to meet him.
B No, we've never met.
C I don't know how to. ...O

2 X:.....
Y: I didn't do anything special.
A How was your weekend?
B Where did you go?
C How do you celebrate?

3 X: Have you ever been to the Dubai Book Fair?
Y: ....
X: Then you really should go.
A Yes, but I didn't enjoy it.
B No, they haven't.
C No, not yet.

4 X:.......
Y: Yes, she looked great in it.
A Is Diana wearing a costume?
B Was Diana's costume nice?
C What costume did Diana wear?​​


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1 b

2 a

3 c

4 b


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