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Live and learn.
O No pains, no gains.
It is never too late to learn.
Industriousness is the mother
of good luck.
Knowledge is power.
All things are difficult before.
they are easy.


Ответ дал: bsnstrp


-Have you learnt how to live in a big city?

-Not yet. I've been living to here not enough time yet.

-Are you going to work hard there to achieve some good financial level?

-Sure! As people say "No pains, no gains!"

-But don't you think you are a bit old to study and learn something new?

-No, I always follow the rule "It is never too late to learn".

-I thing you'll be exhost very soon if you work so hard and you may not reach success.

-It's indeed possible but I have to try because "Industriousness is the mother of good luck".

-Are you sure you will be able to overcome all problems in your new business?

-I'm pretty sure becase I know what to do and "Knowledge is power!"

-It seemd to me that your business is too complicated. I have changed my opinion.

-Of course you have! All things could seemd difficult from the beginning but later they became much easier due tщ .an experience.


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