помогите пожалуйста!!!!

7. I …… him. A) am not understanding B) don’t understand C) doesn’t understand D) am not understand 8. They … tennis at the moment. A) play B) are playing C) plays D) is playing 9. He … to speak to you now. A) is wanting B) want C) wants D) is want 10. What goes round the Earth? – The Moon … . A) is B) does C) do D) are 11. Who is working in the garden?- We … . A) are B) do C) have D) does 12. Where … my sisters travelling now? A) have B) are C) do D) does13. The antonym for the verb "to turn on" is …. A) turn at B) turn of C) turn off D) turn into 14. When it is cold in the room, my father turns on … A) gas B) hot water C) washing machine D) central heating 15. When it is dark outside we turn on… A) electricity B) gas C) cold water D) washing machine​


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


7 b

8 b

9 c

10 b

11 a

12 b

13 c

14 d

15 a


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