Нужно сделать английский, помогите! Заранее благодарю!
Fill in the gaps with 'USED TO'.
I ___ play football at school and I loved it. - I used to play football at school and I loved it.
My brother ___ share his toys with me, that's why we didn't get on well. - My brother didn't use to share his toys with me, that's why we didn't get on well.

1. He _____ play chess. Now he doesn't have time.
2. I _____ eat chocolate, I didn't like it.
3. We ______ be best friends, but now we have nothing in common.
4. _____ you _____ go to school by bike?
5. My granny _____ have a phone, she couldn't use it.
6. _____ Matt _____ eat meat?
7. I ______ take a taxi to my work. Now it has become expensive.
8. He ______ do judo but now he can’t.


Ответ дал: azumidellone229

1. used to

2. didn't use to

3. used to

4. did you use to

5. didn't use to

6. did Matt use to

7. used to

8. used to

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