Write the direct speech into reported speech: 1. “I’ve bought tickets for a Saturday performance,” I said. 2. “We had a good walk in the country yesterday,” my sister said to me. 3. “Mr. White is going to fly abroad next week,” they said. 4. “Every passenger goes through the Customs when he comes from abroad,” said the Customs official. 5. “At what time will the plane land?” asked the passenger. 6. “Shall we take a taxi to get home?” my friend asked me. 7. “At what institute did your sister study?” my friend asked me.


Ответ дал: Juliyasha11


1. I said I had bought tickets for a Saturday performance. 2.My sister told me we had had a good walk in the country the day before. 3. They said Mr. White was going to fly abroad the next week. 4. The Customs official said every passenger went through the Customs when he came from abroad. 5. The passenger asked me at what time the plane would land. 6. My friend asked me if we would take a taxi to get home.7. My friend asked me at what institute my sister had studied.


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