англійська мова 9 клас карпюк p38 ex5 СРОЧНО даю 35Б


Ответ дал: hahaha1727721


можешь сфоткать пж у меня нет книги но я хочу ответить

jem0n4lk2: куда кинуть
hahaha1727721: всм куда
jem0n4lk2: я не могу добавить фото к вопросу
jem0n4lk2: 5 a) Before listening remember what you know
about British youth.
b) Listen to the information about British traditional youth
organizations and complete the sentences below.
1 Different trends like …, … and … appeared in the British society.
2 … is the most famous traditional youth organization.
3 This organization was founded by … in …
4 An organization for girls was founded in … and was called …
jem0n4lk2: 5 … was formed to defend interests of students.
6 … and … are religious organizations.
7 … provides hostels for young travellers.
8 … offers a wide choice of sporting and social activities.
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