4. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple or Past Perfect 1. After Ivan _____ (to spend) his holiday in Italy he _____ 9to want) to learn Italian. 2. Lilly _ (to phone) her dad before she __ (to leave) home. 3. Semen ____ (to turn on) the radio after she ____ (to wash) the cups. 4. When she ____ (to arrive) the play _____ (to start). 5.After the woman __ (to come) home she __ (to feed) she cat/


Ответ дал: Аноним


1) After Ivan had spend his holiday in Italy he wanted to learn Italian.

2) Lilly had phoned her dad before she left home.

3) Semen turned on radio after she had washed the cups.

4) When she arrived the play had started.

5) After the woman had come home she fed she cat.

Аноним: ововьа
Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. After Ivan had spent his holiday in Italy he wanted to learn Italian. 2. Lilly had phoned her dad before she left home. 3. Semen turned on the radio after she had washed the cups. 4. When she arrived, the play had started. 5. After the woman had come home she fed her cat.

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