ПРОШУ ПОМОГИТЕ!!!!. The air conditioner is out of ... again. *
A. work
B. use
C. order
D. shape
2. That's the paramedic ... I was telling you about. *
A. which
B. whose
C. where
D. who
3. There ... housework left to be done. Just the washing-up. *
A. isn't a
B. isn't much
C. isn't any
D. aren't many
4. ... the smoke, he ran into the room. *
A. As soon as he saw
B. When he was seeing
C. As he saw
D. While he was seeing
5. ... famous artists take part in this event every year. *
A. There are a few
B. Very little
C. There are many
D. Very few
6. Johnny Depp, ... acting I admire very much, stars in the film The Tourist. *
A. that the
B. who's
C. whose
D. which
7. That's the cabin ... we were staying. *
A. who
B. which
C. whose
D. where
8. I heard noise outside and looked to see what .... . *
A. happen
B. was happening
C. is happening
D. happened
II. Complete with the correct prepositions (while printing use the little letters only)
9. Hurry up. I'm ... a hurry. *
10. You can always rely ... your parents for good advice. *
11. Slow down! I can't keep ... with you. *
12. You can't use that phone. It's ... of order. *
13. Are you familiar ... the way this machine works? *
14. Diana is ... a bad mood today. Let's ask her why.

Maxxed: Не спеши,в ответе есть ошибки.
sedyh3739: окн спс
Maxxed: щяс отправлю правилные
Maxxed: 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.D
Maxxed: Могут быть ошибки, но это не точно.
Maxxed: II.
Maxxed: 9.In 10.with 11.up 12.out 13.in 14.in
sedyh3739: спс


Ответ дал: zeremanap171










9.Ну я не знаю

10.Я не знаю

11.Не знаю

12.Нууу тоже не знаю

13.Тоже не знаю

14.Не знаю

Не за что!

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