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Tbl0Tupoi0ulu0Kto: Заранее спасибо


Ответ дал: balabek669



This book belongs to me. This is _my_book.  

2. The man put_his_ hand into pocket.

3. The cat ate_its_ food.

4. She took out_her_ purse and gave it to me.

5. My husband never wears_his / my_ glasses.

6. This is their car. That other car is _theirs_ too.

7. May I introduce to you one of_my_ colleagues?

8. There were a lot of people coming back from _their_work.

9. Every season is beautiful in _its_own way.

10. They would like a house of_their_ own.

11. I’ll try_my_ best, I promise.

12. Each country has_its_ own customs.

13. He cut_his_ finger this evening.

14. Lend me_your_ pen, I’ve lost _mine_.

15. They’re going to London with some students of _theirs_.

16. This is not my pencil, _mine_is red.

17. I haven’t got a pen. Can you give me _yours_?

18. Take off_your_ coat, please.

19. I saw them.  This is_their_ car.

20. Ann is married. _Her_ husband works in a bank.

Tbl0Tupoi0ulu0Kto: Спасибо за быстрый и правильный ответ
Ответ дал: Shitler


1 my

2 his

3 his/it

4 her

5 his

6 theirs

7 mine

8 there



11 me

12 their

13 his

14 your, it

15 -

16 it

17 your

18 your

19 my

20 her

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