5 * Complete the exchanges with the will,
going to, present continuous, or future
continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.
(spend) a
in Las Vegas soon. Do you want to come?
1 A: We ....
B: Sure, that sounds fantastic!
2 A: This time tomorrow, Tom and I.
(fly) to Hawaii.
(go) to the virtual
B: Wow! You must be so excited!
3 A:
reality lab later
B: Oh. I think
4 A: We
next month.
(come) with you!
(move) to Brenton
(love) it there.
B: I'm sure you
5 A: Why is Ken wearing those old clothes?
B: He
(paint) the house later.
6 A:
(you/meet) the others
at 3 o'clock, Annie?
B: I don't think so.
(study) at that time.
7 A: The leather handbag costs £150.
B: Wow. I'm afraid I
(not/take) it. It's too expensive!
8 A: What are you doing on Saturday afternoon?
B: 1
(have) lunch with
my friends at the new shopping centre.
9 A: Can someone give me a hand with the 3D
(help) you!
B: I


Ответ дал: AlexGrozny


Complete the exchanges with will, going to, present continuous, or future continuous forms of the verbs in brackets.

1 A: We are going to spend a weekend in Las Vegas soon. Do you want to come?

B: Sure, that sounds fantastic!

2 A: This time tomorrow, Tom and I will be flying to Hawaii.

B: Wow! You must be so excited!

3 A: I'm going for shopping today.

B: Oh. I think I am coming with you!

4 A: We will move to Brenton next month.

B: I’m sure you will love it there.

5 A: Why is Ken wearing those old clothes?

B: He is going to paint the house later.

6 A: Will you meet the others at 3 o’clock, Annie?

B: I don’t think so. I will be studying at that time.

7 A: The leather handbag costs £150.

B: Wow. I’m afraid I am not taking it. It’s too expensive!

8 A: What are you doing on Saturday afternoon?

B: I am going to have lunch with my friends at the new shopping centre.

9 A: Can someone give me a hand with these shopping bags?


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