Fill in the missing word
1 Please don't shout ………. me! I didn't mean to break the fax machine
. 2. We need a new photocopier; this one's ………. old to handle the volume of work that. we give it
3. i'm afraid i can't accept this report . It's not good ...................................
4. i haven't heard ................................John for a long time husband and my daughter came with me on my business trip on China
6.Let me give you a....................................of advice : don't believe everything you hear
7. Good morning ,Mr Smith's office ....................................the line and I'll check if Mr Smith is in
8 He sent his application...................................fax
9. I'd like to.................................... a favour :could you water my plants whilw I'm away
10........................................up or we'll be late for the meeting


Ответ дал: kovalchukkarinka
1. Shout at me 2. so 3. decision 4. from 5. незнаю 6. piece 7. on/toe 8 незнаю (это я так думаю
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