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Ответ дал: MrVladnet


As a young man, Pasteur 1) studied at the Ecole Normale in Paris. Then at the age of just 32, he 2) became a professor at the University of Lille. In 1856, Pasteur 3) received a visit from a man called Bigo who 4) (own)  owned a factory that 5) made alcohol from sugar beet. He 6) (have)had a question for Pasteur: why 7) (the alcohol / turn / to acid?) did the alcohol turn to acid? When this 8)happened, they 9) couldn't use it and 10) (throw) threw it away. Bigo11) asked Pasteur to find out the reason for this.  At first, Pasteur 12)(not know) did not know, but when he 13) examined  the alcohol under a microscope, he 14) found thousands of tiny micro-organisms. He 15) believed that they 16) (cause) caused the problem. 17) (milk, wine and vinegar / behave /in the same way?) Do milk, wine and vinegar behave in the same way?  Other scientists 18) disagreed with him, and newspapers 19) made fun of him. However, Pasteur 20) continued with his work, he 21) invented methods of testing his theory and 22) proved that he was right. Later he 23)worked together with two doctors and 24) developed vaccines for diseases such as anthrax and rabies.


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