1.He (to want) to impress her parents as he (not to meet ) them before
2.Mother (to tell) that she (to plan) fish soup and a chocolate mouse for dinner
3.His brother (to be) taken to hospital because he (to have ) an accident
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Ответ дал: Аноним


1.  Он хочет провести впечатление на ее родителей, так как не встречал их раньше

2.  Мама сказала, что планирует рыбный суп и шоколадный мусс на ужин

3.  Его брата забрали в больницу, потому что он попал в аварию


1.  He wants to impress her parents as he hasn't met them before

2. Mother told that she planned fish soup and a chocolate mousse for dinner

3. His brother was taken to hospital because he had an accident

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