Помогите, пожалуйста, очень срочно!
Вставить модальные глаголы в предложениях : can, may, must
1. I _____ ski when I was a little child
2. She _____ be a teacher/ I saw her at school
3. They _____ solve the problem. It's very difficult
4. He _____ be a doctor. He works at a supermarket
5. _____ help me, please?
6. We have a weekend free. We ____ go to the seaside tomorrow
7. She ____ come to the party. I don't know
8. Now I'm a sick old man but I still ____ lift 100 kg
9. ___ I speak to mr. Jackson?
10. _____ I have another piece of cake?
11. You _____ leave the school until 15-00. It's our rule
12. He _____ be strong. He is so big
13. We ____ breath underwater. It's impossible
14. Students _____ speak at lessons without permission
15. You ____ use your smartphones if you want


Ответ дал: k0z1ik
1can 2 may 1 3 may 4 can 5 can 6 must 7 must 8 can 9can 10 may 11 must 12 can 13can 14 can 15 must
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