9. Поставь глагол tо bе в нужной форме (am / is / аге или was / were). Обозначь время (Present Simple или Past Simple). Подчеркни слово-подсказку. 1. It ___ is ____________(to be) sunny today. Pr. S.__________ 2. It _____was________(to be) sunny yesterday. Past S_______. 3. This year you _____________(to be) 135 cm tall_______. 4. Last year you ____________(to be) 130 cm tall____________. 5. Yesterday morning he____________ (to be) in the gym._____________​


Ответ дал: poelm

Первые два предложения сделаны уже у вас

1) (Present simple)

2) (Past simple)

3) This year you are 135 cm tall (present simple)

4) Last year you were 130 cm tall (past simple)

5) Yesterday morning he was in the gym (Past simple)

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