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Milena17: Для отвечающих! Разрешена только транскрипция, а не написание русскими буквами.


Ответ дал: xxxmilka

It Is obviously, that some students like school, others think they hate It. For students who are doing well, school Is an attractive place. But those, who are not successful with their grades and are always pressed by teachers and their parents, consider school boring and uninteresting.

[ɪt] [ɪz] [ˈɑbviəs], [ðæt] [sʌm] [ˈstudənts] [laɪk] [skul], [ˈʌðərz] [θɪŋk] [ðeɪ] [heɪt] [ɪt]. [fɔr] [ˈstudənts] [hu] [ɑr] [ˈduɪŋ] [wɛl], [skul] [ɪz] [ən] [əˈtræktɪv] [pleɪs]. [bʌt] [ðoʊz], [hu] [ɑr] [nɑt] [səkˈsɛsfəl] [wɪð] [ðɛr] [greɪdz] [ænd] [ɑr] [ˈɔlˌweɪz] [prɛst] [baɪ] [ˈtiʧərz] [ænd] [ðɛr] [ˈpɛrənts], [kənˈsɪdər] [skul] [ˈbɔrɪŋ] [ænd] [əˈnɪntrəstɪŋ].

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