E. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. I want (buy) a new mobile phone \ (do) 2. Tracey and Sally love arts and crafts. (watch) 3. We can't stand football on TV. 4. A: Would you like (go) to the theatre tonight? B: Sorry. I hate theatre. (go) to the (spend) my free time 5. I enjoy. with my sisters. 6. Larry likes newspaper in the afternoon. (read) a G. Read the e-mail and answer the questions.


Ответ дал: noobikpistoletik011


1 Have you ever had any problems with your smartphone?

2. What does your new friend look like?

3 Who is using my tablet? It's not on my desk.

4 Do your grandparents like listening to heavy metal?

5 What is Amy watching at the moment? Is it a TV show?

6 Who looks after your dog when you're on holiday?


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