30. Which statement is true about the text?
Robots nowadays don't walk or talk. Instead, a robot may be a metal arm. This robot arm may do a certain
task over and over again. It never gets tired or bored with what it does. Sometimes these types of robots
may do jobs that humans must not do. For example, these robots can work in disaster areas. For now,
robots can do only simple things. But in the near future, they will have the ability to do more complicated
A) Robots like doing complicated tasks.
B) All robots will be able to walk and talk in the future.
C) Robots in the future will be metal arms that do only one task.
D) Not all robots look like humans and they may do tasks humans cannot do.
E) Robots will only work in places where there are no humans.​


Ответ дал: Dxzimov


D) Not all robots look like humans and they may do tasks humans cannot do.

D) Не все роботы похожи на людей, и они могут выполнять задачи, которые не могут выполнить люди.

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