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Saturday is a perfect day for me. It starts at 9 o'clock with a big breakfast. Then I put on my special uniform and I set off with my best friend, Christina, for the Scout Club! There we meet up with the Scout leader and the rest of the team and we go camping. Later we arrive at the forest and put up our tents. After that the leader teaches us new things, like how to tie knots and build fires. In the afternoon we play football or go climbing. At 6:00 o'clock we cook dinner on the campfire. When we finish dinner, we go to our tents. We tell stories before we go to sleep! I absolutely love Saturdays.


Ответ дал: Аноним

Saturday is a perfect day for her. It starts at 9 o'clock with a big breakfast. Then she put on her special uniform and she set off with her best friend, Christina, for the Scout Club! There they meet up with the Scout leader and the rest of the team and they go camping. Later they arrive at the forest and put up our tents. After that the leader teaches their new things, like how to tie knots and build fires. In the afternoon they play football or go climbing. At 6:00 o'clock they cook dinner on the campfire. When they finish dinner, they go to their tents. They tell stories before they go to sleep! She absolutely love Saturdays.

tokiyama: Спасибо огромное
Аноним: Не за что, только там «Later they arrive at the forest and put up THEIR tents». Случайно пропустила это предложение
tokiyama: Ага
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